Choosing Joy
"The journey with joy begins with acceptance. The embrace of what we wish it could be"
I would like to introduce you to my Coaching Service. My 42 year career in Health and Wellness has gently guided me on this new and exciting journey, where I will still do what I'm passionate about , caring, supporting and helping people navigate through their own life journey.I will use the rich tapestry of my own life experiences, as well as tried and tested tools and techniques which will be adapted for each unique client. Your life will never be the same again!
To start off lets look at the differences between joy and happiness, as these two states so often get confused. Happiness: an emotion, a very glad feeling of great pleasure, delight exhiliration, laughter and cheerfulnees. We get happiness from people, things and external circumstances. Joy, on the other hand is a longlasting, permanent and pleasant state of being. Joy is a stronger, less common feeling than happiness.
JD Salinger says it like this
"Happiness is a solid and Joy a liquid. "
Comes from: external, material objects and experiences
Emotion felt: outward expression of elation. Pleasure
Time Frame: temporary and based on outward circumstances
Example: happiness can be experienced from any external good event like marriage, graduation, birth of a child, new job, new love, gifts, more money
Comes from: caring for others, internal feelings of gratitude and thankfulness
Emotion felt: inward peace and contentment
Time Frame: lasting and based on inward circumstances, a
bye-product of an authentic and moral lifestyle
Example: Joy is derived from soul satisfying, emotional well being which can occur for example when helping others or feeling gratitude for a life well lived
So what will help and assist us in achieving long lasting deep joy ?
On my journey to joy I have found it helpful to look:
Inward: How far have I come ?
How am I currently feeling ?
Are my thoughts positive or negative ?
What are my dreams ?
Am I being true to myself ?
Outward: Who needs my help ?
What around me can I change ?
What do I need to let go ?
Upward: Who or what do I believe in ?
How does my faith and belief shape my life ?
I want something lasting and permanent vs. something fleeting and flighty. I want inward peace and I want to know that I have helped as many people a long lifes journey as I possibly could, don't you? Then choose Joy today. Joy is enough!
When you are joyful, you live your life with integrity, you live in the moment, you express gratitude regularly, your work satisfies you, you enjoy harmonious relationships, you are not afraid of change and you enjoy the simple things.
Yes ! Joy is enough !